Saturday, June 6, 2020

Human please become humane by APARAJITA APRA

I don't classify today's human being  as human
Cuz they are self centered zombies with dead hearts that's for none
There is right to life and live
Also to live and let live
But you are crossing the limits and also your boundaries
You are emotionless, cruel and human doesn't signify these
Cut the deliberate excuse of being frustrated
Killing a life is no solution to getting rid of feeling agitated
Have we forgotten our roots
Have we stamped humanity with our boots
Its no way to behave
You guys are dead before your grave
Cuz you don't have sensitivity  and compassion
You are turning into cold murderers proving it everytime with your action
The real monsters are humans because they are not humane
Trust me if you have lost humanity your degree, knowledge, intelligence is all in vain

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